Hello, its been a while but I'm not very talkative since not many people follow me here, I don't feel inclined to share my thoughts. but the point I'm making is, something has kind of taken over me, I've grown bored of my current aesthetic and appearance overall, may work has started to stagnant and become meaningless to me.
I don't like leaving work unfinished, but I also don't want to invest time into things that I'm not happy with. Not let me clarify, I'm not completely dumping or deleting anything I've posted or project I've started. Everything is going to be benched until further notice, until I can feel like my style or writing has improved.
I've been wanting to take a more horror related, if it wasn't already evident by some of my other works I've really been wanting to dive into it. The reason I couldn't before was because some people had already known me for the weird cutesy style, and any attempt I made to change that was met with resistance.
Even if it didn't look like it, it always felt like people would get upset when I went outside of my designated style, it was even the idea of doing something that wasn't really my current style, I was worried about getting called a poser.
There's a lot to be considered when you're an artist that feels restricted because there is a thing that has been expected from you that conflicts with the thing you want to do. There were times I had fights with myself about if I was making the right decisions or if this is really who I wanted to be if I was just doing what I few people wanted.
So I'm just going to do my own thing, No longer touching D&D, or the series/book, I might finish the first draft of it at some point and post it somewhere. but I'm no longer going to be working on the comic or concept art, because I no longer feel any sort of satisfaction, and overall its starting to make me hate art.
And usually if something makes you hate the one thing that's keeping you going, thats usually a good time to stop. I'm going to wrap it up here and leave you with this, thought. If you feel as though you are unsatisfied or unhappy with your projects or ideas, don't torture yourself, no amount of work is worth doing if it makes you miserable.
It's best to branch out, get a feel for a variety of things, and just kinda blend them together at some point. Sure, most get farther in life focusing on a specific this or that, but it's not a path for everyone... nor should it be. I just watched Pan's Labyrinth for the first time last night with a friend (it was either that or start in on the Godfather trilogy), and that was a fantastic combination of fantasy and horror. You aimin' for something like that in the future?
something like that, I think what I'm going for has touches of fantasy but its definitely going to be more of the surreal and existential horror. I guess the wholesome escapism started to make me feel out of touch with the world, and a lot of my own negativity and cynicism has been impacting my work.
as I'm said I'm not leaving the fantasy genre permanently, I just really need to get this toxicity out of my system